Type of request of application | Standard fee | Reduced fee* |
Internal review | €30.00 | €10.00 |
Reviewed by Information Commissioner | €50.00 | €15.00 |
Application for reasons for a decision affecting individual | Free | Free |
Application for amendment concerning incorrect information | Free | Free |
Appeal decision to charge a fee or deposit or a fee or deposit of a specific amount | Free | Free |
Access to personal records | Free | Free |
*Reduced fees will apply in respect of (a) medical card holders; (b) dependants of medical card holders; and (c) third parties who appeal a decision to release their information on public interest grounds. If you are claiming a reduced application fee on the basis of (a) and (b) above, the request must be accompanied by the medical card registration number, issuing Health Board name and your consent to the verification of these details with that Health Board and/or the Health Service Executive.
Fees for Search and Retrieval and/or copying of records.
The amount of these fees that may be charged in respect of Freedom of Information requests are currently equal to the estimated cost of the search for and retrieval of the record concerned, and the estimated cost of any copy of the record made by the public body concerned. There is no charge if the records contain personal information only, unless there are a significant number of records (Section 27 (4)).
If the cost of a search, retrieval and copying is €100 or less, no charge is applied. If the charge exceeds €100, full fees apply. You cannot be charged more than €500.
If the estimated cost of search, retrieval and copying is more than €700, we will let you know and assist you in amending or limiting request in order to reduce the charges but if you do not amend or limit your request, we may refuse it. However, if IADT decides to process the request, you shall be required to pay the full cost of the searches and a deposit (not less than 20% of the costs) shall be charged.
A list of relevant charges is set out below:
Type of charge | Standard fee |
Search and retrieval | €20.00 per hour |
Photocopying | €0.04 cent per sheet |
CD ROM containing copy of documents | €10.00 |
X-ray containing copy of documents | €6.00 |
Any payment should be made by way of postal order, cheque or bank draft, made payable to IADT.