I am experiencing confusion about my gender or sexual identity
Gender and sexual identity specific supports are available through the following external organisations. IADT is a proud, strong community of LGBTQIA+ students and allies.

BelongTo provides support and advice to LGBTQ+ young people and their families.
Further information and contact is available on their website www.belongto.org
TENI (Transgender Equality Network Ireland) seeks to provide education, support and advocacy to transgender persons in Ireland. Further information and contact is available through https://teni.ie/qr/
JIGSAW are the national youth mental health organisation and provide helpful support resources and tools LGBTQ+ releated concerns through jigsaw.ie.
For introductory supports in exploring gender and sexual identity concerns, we invite you to engage similarly with Student Health and Student Counselling consultation(s).
TENI (Transgender Equality Network Ireland) seeks to provide education, support and advocacy to transgender persons in Ireland. Further information and contact is available on their website
JIGSAW are the national youth mental health organisation and provide helpful support resources and tools LGBTQ+ releated concerns on their website
Similarly, IADT SU champion the IADT QSA (LGBTQIA+ and allies) Student Society; one of the college’s most active societies.