I am experiencing academic challenges/difficulty in the learning environment
From time to time, additional challenges may arise for you in the learning environment. We invite you to engage in our learning supports, sooner rather than later.

Third Level Education may pose a challenge to your previous educational background. Perhaps you have entered college after a time of absence as a mature learner or perhaps you have arrived directly from Leaving Certificate studies.
Student Learning at Third Level is often a different learning experience and you may benefit from additional support.
At IADT, our dedicated Student Learning Centre provides practical student learning supports. The Student Learning Centre team will use evidence-based psychological tools to support you in your learning.
Any IADT student can use the Student Learning Service. Support for a range of academic and study skills include:
• Breaking Down Your Assignment Brief
• Academic Writing Skills
• Thesis Proposal and Thesis Writing Skills
• Organisation and Time Management
• Notetaking
• Presentation Skills
• Critical Thinking Skills
• Exam Preparation
• Maths Tutor (Research Methods and Finance)
An appointment for support can be made simply by emailing learningdevelopment@iadt.ie