I would like to work on my relationship with sleep and healthy nutrition and exercise habits
Giving attention to your healthy habits for sleep, nutrition and movement can be of significant benefit to your wellbeing - and your engagement at college.

The WHO defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Whole health in each one of us requires due attention given to sleep, exercise and nutrition as well as a variety of key lifestyle pillars.
We don’t expect our electronic devices to ‘run on empty’. Yet, at times, we expect this of our human selves.
spunout.ie provides helpful information on the physiology of sleep and information on how to tackle its improvement
You may be experiencing further mental health challenge and your sleep disturbance may be a symptom to this. If so, you might benefit from speaking to a professional, once you have tried the tips and habit-change detailed above. If you consider that you may have a clinical sleep disorder, please seek medical (GP) consultation.