DL805-Bachelor of Business [Hons] Digital Marketing
+ Sales
Springboard+ is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF programme for employability, inclusion and learning 2014-2020.

This course is no longer accepting applications for intake 2024/25.
Please register your interest in this course for September 2025 admissions here: Springboard+ Register Your Interest 2025

Hear from our graduates
What is Digital Marketing + Sales?
Research indicates there are significant opportunities in the work place for this skill set. All businesses require digital marketing as well as excellent sales and customer relationship management (CRM) staff. This programme provides knowledge, skills and competencies in this area and students will use real case scenarios to enhance their sales and CRM skills.
The programme offers a work placement or an industry based project is an accredited part of this programme.
The advent of COVID 19 has further reinforced how important it is for companies to engage in the online world. Central to commercial success is the capacity to market products and services online, engage with customers and support them through the online purchasing experience. Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it allows companies to engage proactively and collaboratively with their consumers in real time. The Digital Marketer needs to understand the needs of their online consumer and develop online marketing strategies that will maximise the opportunities to engage with the marketplace.
What will I do?
This programme will provide learners with a clear overview of the role of Digital Marketing and Sales and its capabilities to deliver marketing objectives. It will give the student the opportunity to develop practical transferable digital marketing and sales skills. On completion of this programme graduates will have the knowledge, skills and competencies that will enable them to:
- Manage complex customer relationships online and off line
- Monitor, develop and respond to dynamic customer interactions
- Develop an online marketing strategy
- Develop sales and customer relationship management skills and use social medial tools to enhance these skills
- Have the capability to build basic website using freely available online tools
- Analyse consumer personas and develop appropriate communication strategies to engage the online consumer
This programme will provide learners with a clear overview of the role of Digital Marketing and Sales and its capabilities to deliver marketing objectives. It will give the student the opportunity to develop practical transferable digital marketing and sales skills.
What modules will I study?
This is a one year honours, add on degree in Digital Sales and Marketing. This programme will commence on September 2023: –
The modules covered in this programme are:
- Web building (15 Credits)
- Digital Marketing (15 Credits)
- Digital Sales and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (15 Credits)
- Industry based project/placement (15 Credits)
All modules are 100% Continuous Assessment
This programme will provide learners with a clear overview of the role of digital marketing and its capabilities to deliver marketing objectives. It will give the student the opportunity to develop practical transferable digital marketing skills.
Future careers
Graduates of this programme will be equipped with skills to work in a variety of Digital Marketing and Sales Roles . These digital skills are sought after by most businesses today.