DL147 - Certificate Immersive Sound
Design for Film

You will gain proficiency in advanced spatial audio techniques, editing, mixing for various formats, including stereo and Dolby Atmos, as well the use of dialogue, background, foley, sound effects, and music.
The course explores the integration of immersive sound design with visual storytelling, music, and sound effects and how to enhance narrative impact. You will produce an audio-visual show reel, showcasing the acquired skills for potential employment in the field of film sound design. Graduates may pursue opportunities in post-production facilities as sound designers, dialogue editors, or re-recording mixers.
The Certificate in Immersive Sound Design for Film offers professional training and upskilling in Dolby Atmos. The tutor on this course is sound designer, re-recording mixer and composer, Aza Hand.
What will I study?
Working with an industry tutor and peers, you will learn about advanced spatial audio techniques, specifically Dolby Atmos and understand its application in film production and episodic narratives.
Indicative content includes:
How to use advanced spatial audio techniques and apply them to create three-dimensional soundscapes.
Mixing Stereo 5.1 (surround), 7.1 and 7.1.4 (Dolby Atmos); Pro Tools
How to integrate immersive sound design with visual storytelling, music, sound effects to enhance narrative impact and audience immersion
The importance of collaborating with other production departments to ensure a cohesive and immersive audio-visual experience.
Understanding multiple specifications for delivering audio visual final content.
How will I be assested?
Project-Based Learning
This Certificate is made up of Continuous Assessment (40%) supported by a terminal Project (60%).
Indicative assignments for CA are as follows:
Formative Assessment: Interim pitch and presentation of ideas: 30%
Summative Assessment: Final Project: 60 %
This Certificate is awarded on a Pass/Fail basis. There are no written exams, assessments will be in studio. On successful completion you will be awarded a L9 Certificate in Professional Skills: Immersive Sound Design for Film.
Dates and Times
Creative Development
Start Date: Tuesday, 10th June (6.30pm – 8pm): online briefing and introduction session.
Full-time: Monday 16th June to Friday 20th June (10am – 5pm): on site in IADT Dolby Atmos Studio.
You will be required to commit one full day on site in the IADT studio in the following week of 23rd – 27th June for one-on-one supervision and intensive tutoring.
Final Assessment: all materials/files submitted by 30 June.
Mode of Delivery
Full time intensive (over 2 weeks) in Dolby Atmos Studio, IADT.
Entry Requirements
This course is suitable for students who have a recognised undergraduate degree, issued at Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), in a related area (Music, Music Production, Sound).
If you do not have a L8 (BA degree) we have routes through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process for applicants who can demonstrate equivalent professional experience in this area for 2-5 years.
This is not a course for beginners: applicants must have been working professionally in a related area of post-production, sound design, mixing for a minimum of 2 years. Experience with and knowledge of mixing 5.1 in Pro Tools is highly desirable.
Fees + Scholarships
Fees for this course in 2024/25 are €550, subsidised by the Higher Education Authority’s Human Capital Initiative. Check your eligibility HERE
Once offered a place on the course, you will be asked to complete a declaration form to confirm your eligibility.
Fees for those who do not meet the eligibility criteria above are €1,100.
CFA Scholarship:
A CFA scholarship encourages the participation of learners from sections of society that are significantly under-represented in higher education by offering one free place on all of our CFA short courses.
Find out if you are eligible to apply HERE
Fill in the CFA@IADT scholarship application form HERE