Spring Conferring 2025
The Spring Conferring will take place on Friday 4 April 2025, on campus in IADT.
Graduands will be contacted via both their personal and student email addresses by early March with more detailed information about registration and other relevant details.
Some additional information is detailed below – this will be updated as soon as possible.
Further Information for Conferring
Your Name on your Parchment
Please note that your name will be stated as outlined on your invitation email. If you want your name stated differently on the parchment, you must let us know by including the details when complete the registration form.
Please remember your parchment is a legal document, so we recommend you use your legal name, e.g. Elizabeth instead of Liz.
If this is applicable to you, please ensure you complete the relevant question on the Registration Form which asks you to confirm the name you want to appear on your parchment. Please do this immediately so that we have time to get the revised information to the parchment printers.
Outstanding Fees
Please note that, if you have any fees outstanding, you will not be able to attend the Conferring ceremony.
Please ensure that any outstanding fees are paid, in full, by the latest Friday 28 March 2025. Do note that we cannot process fees on the day of the conferring.
The link for payment of outstanding fees is https://epay.iadt.ie/invoice
How many guests can I bring?
You are allowed to bring a maximum of two guests to IADT on the day of your ceremony – this is due to numbers attending, room capacity and the need to manage health and safety at the event. Unfortunately, additional guests cannot be accommodated.
Where is the Ceremony being held?
The IADT Conferring Ceremony will take place on Friday 4 April 2025 on campus at IADT, Dun Laoghaire.
IADT is located in Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin and is easily accessible via bus, car or DART. Detailed information on how to get to the IADT campus can be found here.
Is there car parking available on site?
Parking is available on the IADT campus on a fee-paying basis. Please refer to: Campus Parking – IADT for more information.
When do I have to be in attendance?
You are required to be registered and robed 20 minutes prior to the ceremony. We advise that you arrive 30 minutes before the start time of the ceremony in order to park, register etc. At registration, you’ll also be given a seat number ticket which you should keep safely with you.
If you are not Attending
If you are unable to attend in person, your parchment will be awarded in absentia. It is vital that you complete the registration form so that we can issue you your parchment at a later date. If you don’t send us this information, we will store your parchment for you until such time as you are able to collect it.
Photography + Filming of the Event
Photography and filming may take place throughout the event. These will be used by IADT for the purpose of promoting its activities and may be published on the Institute’s website and circulated to the press and other media organisations for publication, transmission or broadcast. If you do not wish to appear in the photographs or films, please avoid the areas where photography / filming are taking place.
Need Help? Contact Us
If you have any queries, please contact us at conferring@iadt.ie