Visit IADT Students’ Union IADTSU Website
Visti IADTSU Clubs & Societies
Clubs & Societies are student-led groups focused on a specific activity or topic, provided funding through the Students’ Union.
Meet your Students' Union 2024/25

Get Involved
Getting involved in the SU is a great way to get to know people. Autonomous from IADT, the SU is affiliated with the Union of Students in Ireland (USI).
Among many, many things, the Students’ Union:
- represents the interests and furthers the rights of its membership as a whole and individually. This takes the form of representation on committees that look at anything from teaching and learning to IADT’s governing body, as well as representing individuals in disciplinary or appeals procedures
- offers advice on welfare, finances and education
- organises awareness campaigns, and charity, entertainment and social events throughout the year including a Raise and Give (RAG) event that has become the envy of colleges around the country
- manages The Chapel in the Quadrangle building as a recreational space
- facilitates clubs and societies, ensuring students’ right to form or join a group to satisfy cultural, social, sporting and intellectual needs.
The President, the Vice-President for Education and the Vice-President for Welfare & Equality are full-time sabbatical members who are elected to work for the SU as a full-time job for one year. Clubs and Societies Officer, Entertainments Officer, Mature Students’ Officer and LGBTQ+ Rights Officer and Oifigeach na Gaeilge are part-time roles.
Part time officer roles remaining to be filled for 2024-25 include Entertainment Officer, Mature Student Officer, Disability Officer and Clubs and Soc Officer. If you have any interest in these roles, please get in contact with the SU, as Bi Elections will be taking place in October.
Student’s Union Childcare Subsidy Fund
The Childcare Subsidy Fund is overseen and administered by your Students’ Union. Students who are in full-time education and who have children in registered childcare can avail of the fund.
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