I am concerned about my family member who appears to experience low mood/depression
The below supports are available to an IADT student you are concerned may be experiencing low or depressive mood. We are here to support them and to signpost to external services as needed; for their physical and psychological wellbeing needs as a learner.

If you reside with/near your family member, symptoms of concern you might notice might include:
• General, pervasive low mood affecting their thoughts, feelings or behaviour
• appearing sad or not enjoying things as much they did
• appearing unsettled or panicky
• experiencing sleep disturbance, as described or as observed
• appearing unusually angry or frustrated
• appearing more forgetful, absent in focus, than usual
If you do not reside with/near your family member, you may be alerted by changes to behaviour
– more withdrawn than usual
– change in communication pattern
– evidence of substance use
– sudden change in weight or personal hygiene
If your levels of concern are raised, expressing your concerns to your family member is important.
In addition to your family support, your family member may benefit from professional support. At IADT, Student Health and Student Counselling supports are available to your family member who is a registered student of the Institute.
Please encourage them to contact Student Health by phone on 01-2394760 or Student Counselling by email on studentcounselling@iadt.ie where they will be offered a next available appointment.
Note that neither service is a crisis support option.