IADT Graduates Eligible to Vote in Seanad Eireann Elections
Following a recent Supreme Court decision, Irish citizens who graduate with a degree from designated higher education institutions (including IADT Dún Laoghaire) will now be able to vote in Seanad Eireann elections.
The Seanad Electoral (University Members) (amendment) Bill 2024 established a new six-seat ‘Higher Education’ constituency for electing 6 senators, replacing the existing NUI and University of Dublin (Trinity College Dublin) constituencies.
As the Higher Education constituency is a single constituency, each person gets one vote and may only register once, even if they have degrees from multiple institutions.
The changes will not be in place for the Seanad election currently underway (in January 2025) but will come in for the following Seanad election. Further information, details on how to register, and an online registration form for any graduates wishing to register is now available on seanadvoter.ie.