IADT reaffirms MOU with George Brown College, Toronto, Canada
The colleges included George Brown College, Northern College, Durham College, Centennial College, Mohawk College, Georgian College, Niagara College, Humber College and Canadore College.
During the visit, IADT reaffirmed its MOU with George Brown College, Toronto, Canada with the aim of maintaining its long-term partnership. The focus of the partnership is to maintain, build and increase collaborations in the fields of design and sustainability in business. The MOU provides a clear framework for both institutions to continue to work together on the development of the partnership and a range of collaborative academic activities between Ireland and Canada.
Image L-R: Dr Eileen DeCourcy, George Brown College, Suzanne Drisdelle, Senior Trade Commission, Canadian Embassy, Dr Josephine Browne, Head of Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities IADT, Linda Franklin, President, Colleges Ontario, David Smith, President IADT.
Speaking at the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, IADT President, Mr. David Smith said, “Today’s renewal of our longstanding agreement is a testament to the success of long-established peer-peer relationships, staff & student mobilities and programme developments between IADT and George Brown College, from co-development of the first transnational Masters in Design – under the original Colleges Ontario agreement – through to our current shared research and programme ambitions. Ours has been a fruitful and mutually beneficial international collaboration and friendship. Today we reaffirm that commitment in recognition of the many rich opportunities ahead for our staff and students.”
Dr Cory Ross, Provost at George Brown College in Toronto, Ontario Canada indicated; “We are looking forward to a multilevel collaboration with an educational partner that shares our passion, commitment and vision to provide our students with a high quality, immersive Global education opportunity. Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology’s reputation for excellence will ensure students from both institutes will be given high level opportunities like participating in industry related research through our Brookfield Sustainability Institute, engage in charettes, semester exchanges and pursue their goals to obtain a masters level education. “