IADT Students Shine in the Spotlight, delivering a Spectacular 18th Annual FÍS Film Awards

The National Film School students at IADT took charge of the 18th Annual FÍS Film Awards, broadcasting live from The Helix Theatre’s Mahony Hall on February 21, 2024. Guided by IADT lecturers David Cooper and Anthony McGuinness, the students collaborated with industry professionals from TVM, Creative Technology Ireland, Stage Lighting Design, and Tara Productions, providing them with invaluable real-world experience.
“Working on FÍS with my classmates and the crew from TVM was a great learning experience. I thought I knew a lot about my role but was humbled as I only seemed to scratch the surface. On the other hand, I am eager to work on ingest again and dive deeper into the role. Thank you.” Sean McNamara, IADT student.
The team, comprised of second and third-year students (comprised of TV, directing, editing, and new media students) worked tirelessly for two days at The Helix, ensuring a seamless livestream show lasting one hour and thirty-six minutes (a recording to be available in due course on fisfilmproject.ie). TVM Outcast Broadcast Facilities brought their expertise with their OB6 expandable truck, equipped with cutting-edge technology for the students to engage with.
“IADT students just get better every year, and this year’s FIS was no exception, the prep work and rehearsals that went into getting students ready for their first Outside Broadcast went very well. To work in an environment that has professionals from TVM can’t get any better for students to experience real world live television. Tony McGuinness and I are very proud of the on-air content the students produced and worked so hard on this year. Excellent job.” – David Cooper, Lecturer at the National Film School, IADT.
The dedicated students involved in the live show production included:
– Director: Ana Francis
– Producer: Maxim Bunea-Jivanescu
– Online Content Producer: Michaela O’Neill Johnson
– Camera, Edit, Sound, Gallery, CCU, Graphics, Floor Managers, Lighting, and additional roles as follows:
Director | Ana Francis |
Producer | Maxim Bunea-Jivanescu |
Online Content Producer | Michaela O’Neill Johnson |
Camera | Vicente Bautista |
Camera | Eibhilin O’Reardon |
Camera | Patrick Devereux |
Camera | Taidgh McLoughlin |
Camera Assist. | Karl Corcoran |
EDIT/Editor | El Brady |
Sound Desk 1 | Jasmim Lobos |
Sound Desk 2 | Isaac Kirby |
Sound Assist + Floor Manager | Simone James |
PA | Adelicia Boakye Yiadom |
Vision Mixer 1 | Laura Gallagher |
Vision Mixer 2 | N/A |
Ingest 1 | Sean MacNamara |
Ingest 2 | Greta Price Martin |
CCU | Hasan Al-Sader |
CCU | Richards Dzerkals |
Graphics | Muhammad Muhammad |
Floor Manager 1 | Lilla Petnehazi |
Screen Feed | Hugh Turner |
BTS | |
Camera/Sound | Jan Paul Lodzinski |
Interviewer | Michelle-Marghe Sorriso |
Lighting Assist 1 | Woody Boland O’Hara |
Additional student work was also completed by:
– Editor: Amy Mc Farland
– Graphics: Ethan Dodd
The live event, which runs annually, offers a unique platform for creativity and recognition for students and teachers who have introduced filmmaking into their classrooms. More information available on fisfilmproject.ie.