Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries
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4. Financial Information

See below disclosure of IADT's Financial Information. We are currently working on the publication of certain material below. Should you have any urgent enquiries please contact us at the details provided.

Approved Financial Statements

IADT’s Approved Financial Statements are available here:

Annual Reports

IADT’s Annual Reports are also on the website here:

Major Plans for Capital Expenditure

There are no current plans for major Capital Expenditure.

Campus Development Plan

Under construction.

Payments or Purchase Orders for Goods + Services

Under construction.

In the interim requests for details of payments or purchase orders for goods and services over €20,000 will be considered under a Freedom of Information request.

Governance Body Member Remuneration

Members of the Governing Body of IADT do not receive any remuneration in respect of their membership of the Governing Body, although staff who are members of the Governing Body are remunerated separately in their capacities as employees of IADT. Details of our Governing Body members are available here:

Some reasonable expenses e.g. attendance at meetings and interview board expenses are occasionally claimed by Governing Body members. Details of these expenses are contained in our Annual Reports available here:

Funding/Sponsorship of Non-Public Bodies

Not applicable.