Student Information
Your education is at the heart of all we do in IADT. The Institute aims to help students to reach their potential through the provision of a supportive, vibrant and challenging learning environment; this includes the Virtual Learning Environment or VLE. All staff are involved in the construction of this learning environment. All students are valued equally during their learning journey with IADT. Accordingly the curriculum, Teaching + Learning and assessment at IADT are centred on the student.
About Teaching & Learning
Teaching + Learning at IADT is supported by the Teaching and Learning Committee, a sub-committee of Academic Council. The Teaching + Learning committee meets monthly during the academic year. It develops and reviews policies as requested by Academic Council and works on relevant strategic objectives set out in the IADT Strategic Plan 2019 – 2023. It runs a Teaching + Research showcase in June (with the Research + Development Committee) and takes the lead on teaching and learning projects across the Institute. It supports Teaching + Learning and elearning. T&L works closely with your SU, particularly the Education Officer.
As part of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Ireland (NFETLI), a student associate represents IADT with the staff associates on a national level. Pearse McKiernan is the current Student Associate from IADT to the NFETLI.
Student Expectations and Responsibilities
You have the right to expect:
- a stimulating and challenging learning and research environment
- high quality teaching and supervision
- respect, inclusion and courtesy
- access to adequate facilities and resources sufficient for the achievement of your educational goals including library, computing and learner services
- regular feedback on your academic progress
- that you will be informed of penalties for late submission or non submission of coursework
- that you will be informed of any attendance requirements and the consequences of failure to attend classes and examinations
- that courses will be regularly reviewed to enhance the quality of learning
- that you will be informed of any changes to your course in a timely fashion
- clear explanation of unacceptable academic behaviour such as plagiarism, cheating, collusion, fabrication of data or breach of copyright
- fair and competent assessment that meets national academic standards
- access to your results in a timely fashion on completion of your course
- access to a clear set of procedures around deferrals and appeal
We have the right to expect from you:
- that you work to the best of your abilities
- that you make yourself aware of all course requirements and observe them
- respect, inclusion and courtesy
- that you raise any questions on your progress with appropriate staff in a timely fashion
- that you are ultimately responsible for your learning in collaboration with your peers, lecturers and support staff
- that you observe IADT’s rules and regulations on plagiarism, cheating, collusion, fabrication of data, breach of copyright, deferrals and appeals
- that you make yourself available for academic feedback when requested
- that you punctually attend designated lectures, course assessments, tutorials, seminars or other timetabled activities associated with your course
- that you submit all assignments, practicals or other coursework within the specified time limits
- that you make your best attempt at each element of assessment in your course
- that you respect the rights of others in all learning spaces