IADT have partnered with 50808 to promote this free, confidential 24/7 support for people in mental health crisis by text.

Our mission
50808 is a 24/7 messaging support service for people going through a tough time, funded by the HSE Mental Health Services. The 50808 platform will connect texters with a professionally trained volunteer who will offer their support. All conversations are anonymous, unless the texter wants to give their name, and are reviewed in real time by a team of qualified staff supervisors who will support volunteers to listen to and support texters.
How does it work?
- If you are in crisis, or in a ‘hot moment’ text: IADT to 50808
- Your text will get a reassuring autoreply asking you about what is happening
- After a few minutes a professionally trained crisis volunteer will engage with you via text and try to help you.
All of our trained volunteers are monitored and supported by staff supervisor on the platform at all times.