IADT signs HEA Anti-Racism Principles for Irish HEIs

In October 2021, the HEA Centre of Excellence for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) published the first national race equality report, Race Equality in the Higher Education Sector, following the first National Race Equality Survey of staff working in Irish HEIs. Based on the findings of this survey, the HEA published the Race Equality Implementation Plan 2022-2024. A key action in the Implementation Plan was the development of a sectoral statement on race equality issues.
In March 2023, the HEA launched its Anti-Racism Principles for Irish HEIs, which aim to ensure that senior leaders take responsibility, accountability and ownership of race equality within their institution. The HEA developed the principles through consultation with higher education stakeholders and the expert advice of the Athena Swan Ireland Intersectionality Working Group. The HEA invited HEI presidents to sign and endorse the principles. Through signing the principles, HEIs acknowledge that race inequality exists in the higher education sector and, more broadly, in Irish society.
President David Smith spoke about the significance of the Anti-Racism Principles, saying, “Our signing demonstrates the Institute’s willingness to create change and support diversity in its community. By publicly endorsing the HEA’s Anti-Racism Principles, we highlight that racial discrimination in all its forms cannot be tolerated and is not in line with our values as an Institute. We recognise that IADT must work hard to meaningfully progress racial, ethnic and cultural equality in all facets of institutional life, including the diversity profile of our staff and student body and ensuring that race equality issues are meaningfully and sensitively embedded into teaching and learning activities and research endeavors.”
By committing to the HEA Anti-Racism Principles for Irish HEIs, IADT joins with other HEIs to:
- Embed a commitment to race equality as part of institutional culture and strategic priorities.
- Highlight the structural, institutional, and historical dimensions of racism which have informed past and current practice in HEIs and the societies in which they are situated.
- Educate staff and students in relation to the structural, institutional, and historical dimensions of racism, as well as the more commonly recognised individual racism seen in acts of discrimination and abuse.
- Encourage an open dialogue on advancing race equality.
- Adopt an intersectional and intercultural approach when developing anti-racism actions and policies.
- Address questions of race equality within the institution’s strategic plans.
- Record student and staff data disaggregated by ethnicity to inform anti-racism policies and actions, and monitor retention and career outcomes for students and staff from ethnic minority groups including Travellers.
- Continue to ensure a fair and transparent recruitment process for all staff, regardless of ethnicity.
- Address race equality issues in relation to progression and retention of students and staff from minority ethnic groups including Travellers.
The promotion of EDI and human rights is integral to the Institute’s strategic and operational functions. For further information on our commitment to this, see our EDI Policy and EDI Action Plan 2022-2026.
The IADT EDI Office can be contacted at equality@iadt.ie.