Check out this video about our service
Loreto Meagher and Brian Keane work in the Student Learning Centre along with our Maths tutor Brian McNamara.
We are based in the Student Experience Office (Glass fronted office) in the Carriglea Building C002.
What we do?
Any IADT student can use our service. We can help you with a range of academic and study skills supports:
- Breaking Down Your Assignment Brief
- Academic Writing Skills
- Thesis Proposal and Thesis Writing Skills
- Organisation and Time Management
- Notetaking
- Presentation Skills
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Exam Preparation
- Maths Tutor (Research Methods and Finance)
We also can also provide you with specialist support if you have a mental health difficulty or a neurodiverse learning profile including Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) and ADD/ADHD.
Contact Us
Drop into C002 or email:
To Register:
Scan the QR Code or click the registration link.
Our Approach
We are a psychology-led service and we recognise that social, emotional and personal issues can have a huge impact on your learning and we will support you in any way we can to achieve academic success.
Our aim is to teach you the skills to become an independent learner.
Some students attend for a couple of sessions and take the tools with them as they progress through college and beyond, while other students come to us on a regular basis. We understand no two students are the same and sessions are tailored to the individual student’s needs.