Please find below information on examinations and assessments in IADT.
In the academic year 2024/25, IADT moved to a semesterised delivery format. More information is available here.
The Exam Boards for Semester 1 are being held between 11 – 17 February. Results will be available online on or before 12.00 Noon on Wednesday 19 February.
Please see Semester 1 Examinations/Assessments 2024/25 Important Information + Frequently Asked Questions document below for any queries you have regarding your grades.
For any queries regarding Examinations/Assessments processes and schedules, please contact
Queries specific to your course should be sent to your Programme Team and/or Faculty Administrator(s).
Examinations/Assessments Information
Semester 1 Examinations/Assessments 2024/25 Important Information + Frequently Asked Questions
Please click this link to see the document – Semester-1-Examinations-Assessments-2024-25-FAQ-for-Students
How do I access my results?
Please check this document on how to access your results.
I've received my results but what do they mean?
You have PASSED IF
- You have NO F, NP, I, IA, W, FL or D grades
- Your Academic Standing/Award Class is PS, M2, M1, DT, 22, 21, H2 or H1
- Grade DP means that you have passed a D grade by compensation (there is no requirement for you to repeat a DP grade)
- Your Award Class will only be calculated on completion of a programme
- You have ANY F, NP, I, IA, W or D grades (not DP)
- Your Academic Standing/Award Class is EX, DE, FL, AB, WH, WD or EB
EX beside a Grade or Exemptions Granted Academic Standing
- EX beside a grade means you have passed the module and you do not have to repeat it
- Exemptions Granted means that you are exempted from repeating those specific modules for which you received an EX
- However, it will means that there are other modules you did not pass that will have to be repeated in the advised way
How will I know if I need to Repeat?
For the Semester 1 (Winter) Exam session, all students who are required to repeat a module or who have deferred modules or a year of study, will be emailed to their student email address with an email titled Decision of the Exam Board
This will detail specifically for you what the Exam Board decided in your case, ie your mode of repeat etc.
Please ensure you have access to your student email address and check it regularly – this email will be sent out around mid to end of June
In all instances, if you have a query on any grades received, your Programme Teams/tutors should be your first port of call.
How do I Repeat?
Students cannot progress to the next stage of their programme unless they have achieved all credits except in very exceptional circumstances where some students are allowed to carry up to 10 credits into the subsequent year. This is decided on a case by case basis by the Exam Board.
If you have to repeat modules, you will be automatically registered for these repeats by the Exams Office (you will not need to register yourself).
The Exam Board will decide how you repeat a module and this could be in a variety of ways, ie via repeat projects (Autumn Repeat Projects), repeat examinations, repeat with attendance in the following year etc. This is a decision of the Exam Board and is made on a case by case basis for every student. The decision of the Exam Board is final.
How much does it cost to Repeat?
The fees for repeating will be dependent on the mode of repeat. To repeat an exam or undertake a repeat project, there is a standard fee of €25 per module which will be automatically applied to your account when you are registered for this repeat.
For repeats with attendance, the pro-rata cost of this repeat will be dependent on the number of credits you wish to repeat. The fees for 2024/25 currently stand at €2,819 for all Level 7 + 8 programmes. To work out the fees for your number of credits, simply divide the fee figure by 60 and multiply by the number of credits you are repeating.
What if I want to Appeal?
You can appeal the grades of the Exam Board.
Please click on for information on how to appeal and appeal forms
There is a fee for an appeal, €25 per module up to a maximum of €100. This fee is refunded to you should your appeal be upheld. Payment for your appeal must be made via
What is GPA (Grade Point Average) + Progression
For information on how your GPA is calculated, please go to
Important Links for Further Information
How do I contact my Faculty Admin Office if I have a query?
Your Faculty Admin Office should be your first port of call for any queries regarding your programme.
Contact details are:
Faculty of Film, Art + Creative Technologies
Faculty of Enterprise + Humanities
Examination Procedures + Regulations
Assessments / examinations are conducted in accordance with the IADT Marks and Standards document. Examination Procedures and Regulations are available here.
Modes of Assessment
These vary from programme to programme. Your Lecturer, Year Tutor or Programme Chair will give you details about what is required of you during the year, and how each element contributes to your final grade for the year.
Continuous Assessment
Continuous assessment is important, not only because it contributes to your grades for the year, but also because it provides an opportunity for feedback and discussion. This will help you to identify strengths and weaknesses and to adjust your studies accordingly. Work and projects prepared as part of your continuous assessment help you to develop your confidence and self-reliance skills, as well as your ability to manage your time, work with others, and to meet deadlines. You are required to meet deadlines – prompt feedback can only be provided when work is
prepared and submitted on time.
Only in exceptional circumstances may an extension of a deadline be permitted. Extensions must have the approval of the appropriate Lecturer. You will be informed regularly of your standing in relation to continuous assessment work. If your Lecturer has reasons to be concerned about your
academic standing in this regard, they will advise you of this.
You must retain your portfolios of continuous assessment work for presentation to Internal and/or External Examiners.
Written Examinations
Many of our programmes require written examinations. Your Lecturers or Programme Chair will provide details. The detailed timetable for formal written examinations will be posted here at minimum four weeks of the start of the examinations. The general start and finish dates are set in advance – see the Student Calendar.
Conduct of Candidates during Written Examinations
The regulations for the conduct of candidates during written examinations and the examinations timetable will be posted here. It is important that you read and understand these before sitting an examination.
Examination Results
Results posted online and transcripts are the only official communication of results between IADT and students. At the end of each year of study, results are presented to a formal Examination + Assessment Board, and ratified by the Academic Council. Provisional Examination results will be published online after the Examination Board Meeting (see here for dates).
Transcripts of results will be made available to students via Digitary Core via your student email address – it is important that you access this email address to receive your official transcript. More information is available here.
General queries relating to results after they have been posted can only be dealt with through the Examination Office. Examination results cannot be issued over the phone or to anyone other than you, the student. All communications regarding Examinations/Assessments (along with other official information) will be issued via your student email address so it is vital that you can access this and check your account regularly.