Institute of Art Design + Technology Dún Laoghaire
Ireland’s campus for the Creative Industries
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Award Classifications

At the end of your programme of study, based on your Exam and Assessment results, you will achieve an Award Classification. This is based on Grade Point Average (GPA) thresholds which are defined as follows:

Ordinary Bachelor Degree Classification (Level 7)

  • Pass – 2.00
  • Pass with Merit, Grade 2 – 2.50
  • Pass with Merit, Grade 1 – 3.00
  • Pass with Distinction – 3.25

Honours Degree Classification (Level 8)

  • Pass – 2.00
  • 2nd Class Honours, Grade 2 – 2.50
  • 2nd Class Honours, Grade 1 – 3.00
  • 1st Class Honours – 3.25

Post Graduate Diploma Classification (Level 9)

  • Pass – 2.00
  • Pass with Merit – 3.0
  • Pass with Distinction – 3.25

Taught Masters Degree Classification (Level 9)

  • Pass – 2.00
  • 2nd Class Honours – 3.0
  • 1st Class Honours – 3.25

Stage Weighting

Some programmes of study calculate the award GPA on the results of more than one stage or year. For information please contact your Programme Co-ordinator.

Capped Awards

If a student fails or does not present any element of the award stage the overall award classification will be capped at a PASS regardless of the GPA achieved.