Luke Fitzgerald | Business Management

“Following a relatively mediocre Leaving Certificate in 2001, I worked in various jobs and founded a couple of failed and moderately successful business ventures whilst being fortunate enough to travel the world teaching and performing music.
I returned to Ireland and earned a HND in Business and Marketing as a mature student. I then chose to further my studies in IADT, graduating in 2009 from the excellent Bachelor of Business (Honours) Business Management degree and from there went on to do an MsC in International Business at UCD Smurfit School of Business.
Since then, I’ve honed my profession in various roles as a digital marketer in-house at a large multinational, I’ve worked agency-side in a leadership role at a successful digital marketing agency and I now run my own independent consulting business RightFitz, helping lovely clients on five continents improve their online business performance.”
“I loved my time in IADT! Despite being that little bit older than most of my fellow students, coming into it on the mature track, I made many friends for life during my two years there and the lecturers were dead sound, many of whom I’d now consider friends too. They put an incredible amount of effort not only into the educational side, but going the extra mile on motivation, wellbeing and encouragement of their students and their enthusiasm has had a lasting, profound impact on the success of my career.
The hard, practical skills learnt throughout the course have stood me in good stead throughout my career to date – from using critical thinking in business process development, strategic stakeholder management and sound financial acumen. To the softer skills side, which I probably didn’t appreciate fully at the time but have helped instill a strong work ethic and good communication skills in me, such as active listening, problem-based learning and self-evaluation techniques.
My time invested in this course has undoubtedly made me a better entrepreneur, a more rounded business professional and, most importantly, a more compassionate, considerate human being who’s willing to work hard and help others along their own unique educational and professional journey.”