Marinara Pomodoro focus timer
Marinara Pomodoro (link) is a simple focus timer chrome extension. Right-click on the extension when installed and select options. The focus time can be as long or short as you like. If you are having trouble getting started on an essay or project, try setting it to ten minutes. Set the short break to 3 minutes. Often ten minutes is enough to realise a task isn’t as daunting as it seemed. Before you know it, you’re engaged with the task and making progress.
Google Calendar
Google Calendar (link) is a free time-management and scheduling calendar service developed by Google. Everyone in an office uses a calendar to keep track of appointments. If you are a busy student or struggling to manage your time, you need to be using a calendar. It has the advantage of being colourful, with multiple events and tasks easily distinguished. Notification and email reminders can be easily set.
Trello – Task management app
Trello (link) is a popular task management app with ‘to-do’ lists, reminders, task completion status, and several other project planning functions. It has shared workflow features for group work.
ADHD in Adults
Note: This app is not a treatment programme or a replacement for medical advice and care.
This app was developed by the HSE’s ADHD in Adults National Clinical Programme in partnership with ADHD Ireland with the goal of giving people who may have ADHD more information without the need for a formal diagnosis. It contains self-care, self-help, and signposting information regarding ADHD.