Students apply to compete for below points places on IADT courses.
Similar to HEAR, ACCESS IADT is for school leavers (under the age of 23) who have completed an Irish Leaving Certificate and/or have a level 5 or 6 QQI award. Applicants make an application through CAO and select at least one IADT course. Applicants must also complete and submit an online ‘IADT ACCESS IADT Route Form”
The benefits of Access IADT are similar to HEAR (i.e below the points places), however students who enter this route will also receive an access payment and one to one student support.
Application dates for entry September 2025:
Opens: Monday 24th February 2025
Closes: Friday 11th April 2025
Email access@iadt.ie for a link to the online application during the application period.
Who is it for?
This application is for Leaving Certificate/QQI students (under 23) whose economic or social background are underrepresented in higher education and are hoping to enter IADT.
Applicants are assessed on the following criteria.
To be deemed eligible students must meet indicator 1 and any other 2 indicators:
Indicator 1 (Essential): Attended an IADT linked DEIS school for at least 2 years (see list below), and/or are a member of the Traveller or Roma communities.
Other indicators:
- Your parent(s) have not gone to college (higher education)
- Be from a target group underrepresented in higher education – as defined in the National Access Plan (NAP)* see below
- You or your family are in receipt of a medical card/GP visit card that was in date on 31 December 2023.
- Live in an area of urban or rural disadvantage – *as per the Pobail Deprivation Map
- Family received a means tested payment from the department of social protection for at least 26 weeks in 2023
- Your family income falls on or below the HEAR Income limit for the assessment year:
Number of dependent children * in your family HEAR Income Limit Fewer than 4 €46,790 4-7 €51,325 More than 8
Add €4,785 to the total family/household income for every sibling/parent enrolled in a full-time college, university or Post Leaving Certificate course. * A dependent includes:
- A sibling under the age of 16 years on 1 October 2023.
- A sibling over the age of 16 years on 1 October 2023 who is either:
- Attending post primary education
- Attending a full-time course in FET or higher education
- Medically certified as permanently unfit for work
- A parent attending a full-time course in FET or higher education
NAP Target Groups:
- Students who are lone parents or teen parents
- Students who are migrants or refugees or who have experience of the international protection process, or students from ethnic minorities
- Students who have experience of the care system
- Students who are survivors of domestic violence
- Students who are carers
- Students who have experienced homelessness
- Students who have experience of the criminal justice system
- Students with disabilities including intellectual disabilities
IADT linked DEIS schools in Dún Loaghaire-Rathdown and Co. Wicklow:
- Ballinteer Community School
- Cabinteely Community School
- Holy Child Community School Sallynoggin
- Woodbrook Community School Bray
- St. Laurence College Loughlinstown
- St. Tiernan’s Community School Balally
- St. Kilian’s Community School Bray
- Wicklow Educate Together Secondary Wicklow Town
- Coláiste Chill Mhaintáin Wicklow town
*Applicants need to provide further documentation as evidence of what was stated in their application.
Allocation of places
If there is competition for a reserved place, an IADT committee will review the applications and base the outcome on the applicants’ personal statements and eligibility indicators.
Applicants will be notified if they are successful during Round 1 of CAO offers – typically at the end of August or start of September.
Contact Information
If you have any queries please contact access@iadt.ie