About IADT
Come to our Open Day March 22nd 10am - 1pm
Join us for our Open Day to find out what makes IADT unique.
Explore our growing campus of the Creative Industries, visit our studios and take a tour of the National Film School.
Chat to our Student Ambassadors about life at IADT.
Attend talks, Q&A sessions and live demos.
Meet our lecturers and ask your questions face to face ahead of the CAO deadline.
Study Options
Undergraduate Programmes for International Students
Full-time Undergraduate Study Options for Non-EU students starting in September 2025. The following programmes are (Level 8 on the NFQ)
Click on the programme title for details.
*Portfolio Required. Click here for guidelines
** ILEP code will be available in June publication
Please check the Admissions Pages for All Application Deadlines
Click here to apply for your chosen course.
Postgraduate Programmes for International Students
Full-time Postgraduate Study Options for Non-EU students starting in September 2025. The following programmes are Level 9 on the NFQ
Click on the programme title for details.
Fulltime Masters Programmes |
MA in Animation (full-time) |
MA Design for Change (full-time) |
MA in Screenwriting for Film + Television (full-time) |
Please note that the GOI International Scholarships for 2025 for postgraduate programmes are now open. Details can be found here: 2025-GOI-IES-FAQs.pdf
Apply now using the Postgraduate Application Form
We also welcome applications from international students for the following 2 online programmes. Please be aware that as they are delivered completely online students will not be issued with a study visa. The following online programmes are Level 9 on the NFQ
Fully Online Masters Programmes |
MSc in Cyberpsychology (part-time / online) |
MSc in User Experience Design (part-time / online) |
Apply here for our online postgraduate programmes.
Erasmus Mundus Masters programmes offered through FilmEU
Through its European University Alliance, FilmEU, IADT offers 2 and soon to be 3 Erasmus Mundus Masters programmes.
Erasmus Mundus Masters Programmes |
KinoEyes |
Film Memory |
For further information on these programmes including application procedures please click on the relevant programme link in the table above.
Links to Applications for 2025/2026
Please check the Admissions Pages for All Application Deadlines
- All admissions related enquiries should be sent to admissions@iadt.ie
- Further information on How To Apply as an EU or non-EU student can be found here
Advanced Entry/Transfer Students
Advanced Entry is applying to gain entry to second, third or fourth year of an undergraduate programme in IADT. This is an option when an applicant has previous educational achievements and/or work experience that are considered directly relevant to the programme they wish to apply for.
To find out what courses are available to transfer into please check out the following page: Advanced Entry/Transfer Students
Please note that only European students use the CAO system to apply for advanced entry to year 2 or above of an undergraduate degree. Students from non-EU countries should contact admissions to find out how they can apply for their chosen course: admissions@iadt.ie
Fees and Finances
Fees + Refunds
Full information regarding your fees for this academic year can be found here: Fees + Grants – IADT
Students have the right to a refund of their course fees if they are unsuccessful in applying for a visa to come to Ireland to study.
- The IADT refund policy for all students can be found in the Policy for Student Contribution, Tuition Fee and Charges Collection on the IADT website.
- The ICOS website is also a super resource for information on refunds should your visa be declined.
Note on FAFSA Funding (for students from the US only)
IADT is not currently certified for FAFSA funding. This means that US students cannot get a Federal loan to study at IADT.
Scholarship and Funding Opportunities
Postgraduate scholarship opportunities are available:
The 2025 GOI Scholarship has just opened and will stay open until 2025.For more information please visit: Government of Ireland International Scholarships
Other Funding Options:
- http://eurireland.ie/programmes/related-international-co-operation/international-scholarship-opportunities/
- http://research.ie/funding-category/postgraduate/
- http://www.iua.ie/irish-marie-curie-office/introduction/
- http://eurireland.ie/programmes/related-international-co-operation/us-ireland-rd-programme/
- https://www.campusfrance.org/en
- http://heranet.info/
Note on FAFSA Funding (for students from the US only)
IADT is not currently certified for FAFSA funding. This means that US students cannot get a Federal loan to study at IADT.
Planning Your Budget
The cost of living in Ireland and particularly in Dublin is high. We estimate that you should budget for at least €15,000 per year outside of your course fees.
There are lots of things you already know that you will need to pay for; tuition fees, your accommodation, transport in Dublin, food, utility bills etc. These can add up to a significant amount.
The biggest cost outside of your course fees will be accommodation. Accommodation can vary greatly depending on location, accommodation type etc. The following are some resources that can help you plan your budget for the year.
- ICOS: https://www.internationalstudents.ie/info-and-advice/practical-information/cost-of-living
- www.numbeo.com: a cost of living database for the world
- My Budget (mabs.ie)
Other costs that you should always consider when panning your budget include:
- Course related fees
- Annual visa and immigration charges
- Annual Medical Insurance Charges
- Annual Flights if you want to return home
- Accommodation and utility bills (heat, electricity, bins etc)
- Food and groceries
- Clothes, particularly winter clothes if you come from a warm climate
- Toiletries
- Transport/Leap Card
- Mobile phone and internet
- Socialising / entertainment / sports /hobbies
- Costs associated with your course (books, equipment, etc)
Costs associated with your course (other than fees etc) will vary. For example in the BA (Hons) Art normally not more than €300 per year will be required (years 1, 2 and 3) for materials and tools. You may have an opportunity to take part in extended field trips or international visits (not compulsory). However for the BA (Hons) Animation the cost for materials and/or field trips are estimated at €750–€1000 per year.
Also, your final year exhibition is your professional showcase, so we advise you to budget for costs associated with the Graduate Exhibition.
Check the course information pages on the IADT website for further information and if you need further clarification on this please contact the programme chair.
It’s not all bad news! Having a student card will get you all sorts of discounts in shops, grocery stores, clothes airlines etc so do make sure you check them out. Here are just a couple that you can avail of:
And of course there are plenty of things to do in Dublin and Dun Laoghaire without spending any money:
31 Best Free Things to do in Dublin (2024) (theirishroadtrip.com)
Visa Requirements
Visas and Immigration
If you need a visa to enter Ireland you need a student visa to study at IADT. Now is the time to start gathering information about what paperwork you will need to submit with your visa application. Please ensure your visa application is ready for submission by the end of May 2025.
Further details can be found here: How to apply for long term study visa – Immigration Service Delivery
Visa and Immigration
If you are applying to IADT from a visa-requiring country and are hoping to enrol on a fulltime programme of study starting in September then you must submit your visa application no later than May to ensure that it is processed in time.
Further information relating to visas and immigration can be found here: Visa + Immigration requirements
Important Update Regarding Student Visa Processing Times
The student visa application process is currently taking between 12 to 16 weeks from many countries.
Medical Insurance Requirements
Private Medical Insurance
It is a legal requirement for visa requiring students to have private medical insurance for accidents and medical incident including hospital stays in Ireland, valid for 12 months, or if less than 12 months for the duration of your stay.
For newly arrived first year students in Ireland Travel insurance may suffice where:
- The insurance covers the student for one full year or where the student is staying in Ireland for less than one year for the entirety of their stay
- The insurance coverage covers the student at a minimum of €25,000 for accident and €25,000 for disease
- The insurance coverage covers the student for any period of hospitalisation.
This must be purchased before you leave your home country.
Where a non-EEA student intends staying in Ireland for more than one year, and where they were covered by travel insurance for the first year, that student is required to source private medical insurance in Ireland for their second and any subsequent years. Students are responsible for purchasing and renewing their own health insurance. Some of the companies in Ireland that offer health insurance include:
Please refer to the medical insurance section of the Irish Immigration website for the most uptodate information
Students from the EU who have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) can access public health services in Ireland. Please be aware that the EHIC does not provide access to private health services in Ireland. Students should apply for their EHIC card before travelling to Ireland. You can find out how to apply here: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=559
Further information about using the EIHC is available here: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/health/unplanned-healthcare/going-to-doctor-hospital-abroad/index_en.html
Before You Travel
Finding Accommodation
Register here on IADT’s Official Accommodation Platform:
IADT Student Pad Account Set-Up Guide
Important tips about finding accommodation:
- Very Important!! Do not pay for long term accommodation without seeing it in person.
- Please double check the location of your programme before you choose your accommodation just in case you are not going to be on campus in Dun Laoghaire. While most programmes do take place at IADT some programmes or parts of some programmes are delivered elsewhere. For example
- the BA [Hons] Creative Music Production hold many of their classes in the Sound Training College which is based in Dublin City Centre not Dun Laoghaire.
- Semester 2 of the Year 1 BA [Hons] Art takes place in IMMA in Dublin 8. This is close to Dublin City Centre but not that close to Dun Laoghaire.
- 5 day accommodation is not suitable for international students
- If you can’t get anywhere in the locality of IADT try to find somewhere on the DART line or on the E2 bus route.
- Use the Transport for Ireland Journey Planner to help you work out how to get to the campus.
- The following websites can also be super helpful when looking for accommodation:
- collegecribs.ie
- isaccommodation.com
- homestay.com ( living with families)
- rent.ie
- daft.ie
- Accommodation Guide | ICOS (internationalstudents.ie)
Practical Advice for a Smooth Journey
Passport & Visa
Make sure your passport and student visa is in order if you need one. Details on study visa requirements for non-EEA/EU citizens can be found here: https://www.irishimmigration.ie/coming-to-study-in-ireland/what-are-my-study-visa-options/how-to-apply-for-long-term-study-visa/
Purchase Private Medical Insurance
It is a legal requirement for visa requiring students to have private medical insurance for accidents and medical incident including hospital stays in Ireland, valid for 12 months, or if less than 12 months for the duration of your stay. This needs to be purchased before you leave your home country. Students are responsible for purchasing and renewing their own health insurance. Some of the companies in Ireland that offer health insurance include:
Students from the EU who have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) can access public health services in Ireland. Please be aware that the EHIC does not provide access to private health services in Ireland. Students should apply for their EHIC card before travelling to Ireland. You can find out how to apply here: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=559
Further information about using the EIHC is available here: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/health/unplanned-healthcare/going-to-doctor-hospital-abroad/index_en.html
Book Your Flights
Dublin has direct flights between most international major airports. In the event that you do have to make a connection through another country please check to see if you will need a transit visa for any country you will be travelling through. When booking your flights make sure that you purchase sufficient baggage allowance and do check with your airline to see if they have any additional student luggage allowances or benefits. Also make sure to check out the Important Dates section of the website if you are considering booking return flights: 2024/2025 Academic Calendar
Airport Transfers
Plan your onward travel. IADT does not offer airport transfers so depending on where you are staying you might want to book ahead or simply use one of the many public transport options available at Dublin Airport. If you are using a regular bus you may need coins so make sure you have Euro in cash and coins available
- All Transport Options: https://www.dublinairport.com/to-from-the-airport
- Buses: https://www.dublinairport.com/to-from-the-airport/by-bus/dublin-buses
- Taxis: https://www.dublinairport.com/to-from-the-airport/by-taxi
Book temporary accommodation to get you through the first week or so and register on IADT’s official accommodation platform to see what long term accommodation options are: https://www.iadtstudentpad.ie/Accommodation
Don’t pay any deposits for long term rentals without viewing the accommodation in person. There are a lot of scams relating to around at the moment.
Update IADT with your Term Address
Let IADT know your Irish accommodation as soon as you know what it is, even if it is just temporary to get you through the first few weeks. You will need to update IADT each time your accommodation changes. It’s important for IADT to be kept up-to-date so that we can issue confirmation of address letters for bank accounts and other essentials. You can email admissions@iadt.ie with any updates and changes to your address.
Banking & Finance
Tell your bank you are travelling so that they know not to freeze your cards. Find out the fees your bank charges for getting euros from atms/cash machines in Ireland. Many Irish people use Revolut but it is just one of multiple options for digital banking so do your research before you decide what’s best for you. Arrange to have some Euro in cash to get you through the first few days – smaller denominations work best.
Mobile Phones
Make sure that your phone is set up for roaming in Ireland and more importantly find out how much it’s going to cost you for your calls, data and texts. Talk to your provider and try to get the best deal, consider purchasing an e-sim, getting your phone unlocked before you go so you can buy a sim on arrival. Most Irish people use WhatsApp for communication. If you don’t already have the app we recommend you get it set up on your phone before you travel. Let us know your Irish mobile number when you have it by emailing admissions@iadt.ie
Get Packing!
It’s impossible to describe the weather here in Ireland. You really need to be here to understand that ‘4 Seasons in One Day’ is 100% real! With that in mind pack a good rain jacket, beany, scarf and waterproof shoes to get you covered. Bring warm clothes, particularly if you are used to warmer climates and get used to wearing loads of layers!
Hand Luggage
Pack all important documents in your hand luggage including your Passport, Visa, IADT, Offer Letter, Tuition Fee Payment Receipt, Medical Insurance and Proof of Accommodation. Have any prescription medicines that you need to take available in your hand luggage. Make sure your phone is fully charged and you have your roaming set up. Have some cash with you for unexpected costs and make sure you have a credit card in case you need immediate access to larger amounts of money.
After You've Arrived
Virtual Campus Tour
The Info Point - order visa + other letters here!
The IADT Information Point
This is the first point of contact in the atrium building at IADT Dún Laoghaire. It is a reception point for our students, visitors and families and it’s where you can request your support letters for landlords, bank accounts, leap cards, PPS numbers etc.
You can drop in or email info@iadt.ie
Further information is available on our website: https://iadt.ie/services/institute-student-services/information-point/
Order your letters here for visa and immigration purposes, to open your bank account, to provide accommodation related letters, etc
Get directions when you can’t find your class!
email: info@iadt.ie
Register with Immigration
Register with Immigration
All students from outside of the EU/EEA must register with immigration after arriving to Ireland.
After successfully registering you will receive your Irish Residence Permit (IRP) which will be sent to your Irish address by post. The IRP will be valid for a specific time period which is normally around 12 months. You must renew it before it expires.
The fee to register or renew your registration is 300 euro.
Click on the following link or paste it into your browser to see the full guide on how to register with immigration and how to renew your IRP card: Guide-on-Engaging-with-ISD-Registration-Office-Services.pdf
By now you have registered on iadtstudentpad.ie/Accommodation so it’s time to start viewing properties.
Important tips about finding accommodation:
- 5 day accommodation is not usually suitable for international students
- View the accommodation before you pay any money
- If you can’t get anywhere in the locality of IADT try to find somewhere on the DART line or on the E2 bus route Transport for Ireland Journey Planner
- The following websites can also be super helpful when looking for accommodation:
- collegecribs.ie
- isaccommodation.com
- homestay.com ( living with families)
- rent.ie
- daft.ie
Tip: If your prospective landlord needs a college letter from you you can order it from the Info Point
Public Transport - LEAP Card (Student Travel Card)
Order Your Leap Card
You’ll need a Leap card to be able to avail of cheaper public transport while in Ireland. You can if you wish order your Student Leap Card online before you travel to Ireland and then validate it once you have got your IADT student card:
Tip Go to the Info Point to get your form stamped for your Student Leap Card
Banking in Ireland
Open a Bank Account
In order to get paid you will need to open a bank account in Ireland. IADT will issue you a letter to help with is process. You can simply email info@iadt.ie to request this when you have fully enrolled.
Useful Articles:
The traditional banks in Ireland include:
- Allied Irish Bank (AIB)
- Bank of Ireland (BOI)
- Permanent TSB
You will likely need the following documents to open a bank account:
- Passport
- IADT Student Card
- IADT Bank Letter (From the Info Point!)
- Proof of permanent address in Ireland. The following are usually accepted as proof and must be dated within 6 months.
- A utility bill e.g. a gas/electricity/mobile phone
- A document issued by a government department that shows your address.
- Your IADT Bank letter confirming your address will be helpful here if you have no other proof of address
- A letter from your landlord/rental contract can also be used
Working Part-time
An International Student is permitted to take up casual employment of up to 20 hours part-time work per week in term time or up to 40 hours per week during college vacation periods, that is, from June to September inclusive and from 15 December to 15 January. Your entitlement to take up employment ceases when your permission to remain expires.
A PPSN (Personal Public Services Number) is required if you want to work in Ireland even on a part-time basis. See below for details on how to apply.
Internships + Placements
- The internship or work placement part of the programme cannot exceed 50% of the duration of the programme e.g. a 4 year programme would permit 2 years of work placement. In addition, the employment cannot be in a self employed capacity.
- Work placements as part of an academic programme must form an integral part of the programme which contributes to the final award.
- Educational facilities must also ensure that the placements are suited to the programme being pursued.
Further information on placements can be found here: https://www.educationinireland.com/en/living-in-ireland/while-you-re-in-ireland/working-in-ireland/
As an EU citizen you can take up employment or self-employment without needing an employment permit. This also applies to citizens of European Economic Area (EEA) countries (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), and Switzerland.
UK citizens can live and work in Ireland as part of the Common Travel Area
You will need to get a Personal Public Service Number in order to get paid.
PPSN (Personal Public Services Number)
A PPSN (Personal Public Services Number) is required if you want to work in Ireland even on a part-time basis. You need it in order to get paid. You can apply for a PPSN online once you have fully registered and secured your long-term accommodation. To apply online you should follow these steps:
Set up a basic at MyGovID Account at https://www.mygovid.ie
- Go to MyWelfare.ie and apply online for a PPSN.
You will need:
- Your Passport
- IADT PPSN Letter which you can order from the Information point by emailing info@iadt.ie
Supports for International Students
The International Office
The International Office at IADT is delighted to welcome international students from all over the world. We are here to provide you with advice before and after you make your application and to help you settle in once you arrive here in Ireland.
We offer advice and support in many areas such as visas + immigration, opening bank accounts, medical insurance requirements, registering with the nurse and so on.
We also run events such as scavenger hunts, movie nights, trad sessions and trips to Glendalough to name but a few.
If you want to get in touch just drop us an email at international@iadt.ie If we can’t answer your question ourselves we can point you to the person who can.
For those of you who are here on Erasmus and for those of you thinking of participating on an Erasmus you can contact us on erasmus@iadt.ie
Student Experience Team
The Student Experience Team at IADT provides inclusive support services to all students of the institute. At times during your student journey you may need support with a wide range of issues; a medical problem, a mental health difficulty, managing your disability, writing your first essay, financial support, planning your future career or simply settling in at college.
For further information on supports that are offered and to avail of these services please visit: Student Services – IADT
Academic Supports for International Students
Careers Centre/Third Level Graduate Programme
Career Centre
Check out IADT’s Career Centre for advice and guidance on anything careers related – CV, LinkedIn, Interview, Career Choice, Career Progression – you can email and/or avail of one to one appointments on Blackboard.
Contact Dawn O’Connor at dawn.oconnor@iadt.ie and we will set up what you need together.
Third Level Graduate Programme
Non-European students who are studying fulltime at IADT who have an IRP with a valid Stamp 2 can avail of the Third Level Graduate Programme which will allows them to stay in Ireland to get valuable graduate work experience.
- Graduates from a Level 8 programme can work for up to 12 months.
- Graduates from a Level 9 programme can work for up to 24 months.
Further information is available from Irish immigration
Additional Support Services for international Students
IADT Response to the Ukraine Crisis
Sectoral Response
IADT as part of the sectoral response to Ukrainian people seeking to access third-level education is committed to welcoming, supporting and meeting the needs of students and researchers who are displaced from Ukraine. This response is being led by the Irish Universities Association (IUA) in conjunction with the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS).
Updated Statement Gov.ie
Ukrainian Student Fees and Financial Support Update
Financial support for further and higher education
Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Patrick O’Donovan TD, has confirmed that the following supports will be offered to Ukrainian students for the academic year 2024/25. This includes payment of tuition fees in respect of approved full-time higher education, a financial stipend for qualified persons undertaking a full-time course in a publicly funded higher education institution (HEI) and a bursary for eligible students pursuing an approved post-leaving certificate (PLC) course.
For students who commenced their studies in academic years 2022/23 and 2023/24, the supports in 2024/25 will be similar to previous years.
For new entrants to a course of study in academic year 2024/25, supports will be at revised rates.
Financial stipend for full-time higher education students (Erasmus National Grant)*
Displaced Ukrainian students in receipt of Temporary Protection who are pursuing or progressing in a full-time approved course in a publicly funded higher education institution will be supported financially through a monthly stipend for academic year 2024/25. The stipend is currently paid to the student through their higher education institution’s Erasmus Office. The Erasmus officer at IADT is Sonya Hogan who can be contacted on erasmus@iadt.ie if you require further information.
*Ukrainian PLC Bursary
Year 1 + 2 Tertiary Students from the Ukraine should apply for the Ukrainian PLC Bursary. IADT do not administer this grant. Please contact the fees office in the Further Education College where you are currently enrolled.
Important Dates
International Partnerships
International Programme Partnerships
IADT engages with education and industry partners globally to develop international opportunities for staff and students. We seek to develop new partnerships with leading international Higher Education Institutions that align with our vision and commitment to the Creative Industries, in order to enable exchange of academics and students, and encourage collaborative research and education.
If you are interested in partnering with us please contact the International Department at international@iadt.ie to explore opportunities. We’d be delighted to hear from you.
Existing partnerships include:
MA in 3D Animation – Sheridan Pathway
Designed in partnership with Sheridan College, Ireland’s first MA in 3D Animation provides an opportunity for graduates of Sheridan’s Computer Animation, Creature, and VFX postgraduate certificates to complete a Master of Arts.
MA Design for Change
is a full-time international, practice-based programme which gives designers and non-designers alike an in-depth knowledge of social design practice, design strategy, and the skills to leverage design in the pursuit of positive individual, organisational, societal, and global change.
Study Abroad with Loras College (Dubuque, Iowa, USA)
This programme enables Loras students to spend a semester at IADT. Annually a group of approximately 7-10 Loras College students come and pursue a semester of study at IADT comprising modules from the Faculty of Enterprise and Humanities suite of programmes and a work placement element hosted here in Dublin.
Erasmus +
IADT offers student and staff exchanges as part of the Erasmus+ Programme. This is a valuable opportunity to connect with some of the best educational institutions in Europe. IADT has partner institutions in a number of countries including Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and UK.
For further information of student and staff mobilities please visit: Erasmus – IADT
The National Film School at IADT is a member of the European Universities Alliance for Film and Media Arts.
FilmEU brings together 8 European Higher Education Institutions:
- Institute of Art Design and Technology Dún Laoghaire Dublin / Ireland
- ULHT Lusófona University Lisbon / Portugal
- Baltic Film and Media Arts School / Tallinn
- LUCA School of Arts Brussels / Belgium
- VŠMU Academy of Performing Arts / Slovakia
- LMTA Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre / Lithuania
- VIA University College / Denmark
- NATFA National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts “Krustyo Sarafov” / Bulgaria.
Together, these institutions collaborate around the common objective of jointly promoting high-level education, innovation and research activities in the multidisciplinary field of Film and Media Arts and, through this collaboration, consolidate the central role of Europe as a world leader in the creative fields.
For further information please visit: FilmEU – IADT
Information for Prospective Agents
Thank you very much for your interest in becoming an International Education Agent for IADT.
We are not taking on any agents at this time however this is likely to change in the coming months.
In the meantime we are requesting that all prospective agents complete our IADT Agent Questionnaire in as much detail as possible.
Please be aware that any agent that IADT works with will be expected to adhere to the London Statement of Principles for Ethical Recruitment.
Thank you.